Thursday, March 27, 2008

The crazy life of a social patent examiner...

Yep, you heard it from me first, my life is crazy and I think I'm a bit too social.... But in a good way of course!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, it has been almost 2 weeks since I had a chill night all to myself at my apartment... AND hopefully that will happen tomorrow night, but until then I'm running on fumes... which is my own fault.

My last few weeks have been filled with karaoke, a wedding, friends in town, bible studies, random hangout nights, Easter, game nights... and to top it off I would often get home at 11pm and hop on the work computer and work for an hour or so...

How does she do this you might ask... welp, it helps that work is flexible and I show up when I show up, as long as I work the 40 hours I'm good to go... ;) And then I just get to be tired... but that's ok cause I'm having a lot of fun!!

I will try and post again soon, but for now gotta finish typing up an office action...

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